In Olimpos Ada Camping, you can stay in bungalow houses as well as in the camping area. The camping area has all the facilities such as shower, wc, electricity and cafe. It is easily accessible to the property, which is 16 minutes walking distance to the ancient city of Olympos and the beach. General Information Food: They serve morning and evening meals (15 TL per person). You have to buy your drinks here. They do not allow drinks from outside. Table / Chair: There is a wooden gazebo, but only 3. When there are many tents you should probably share. Water: There is a fountain, the dishes can be washed. Shower and hot water available. Electricity: There is lighting in the tent area, but there is no power line for private use, telephone, laptop ... etc. they help to charge Tent Floor: Earth, flat ground Alternative Accommodation: Pension, Bungalow Houses Toilet: There is soap in the toilet but no toilet paper. Making Fire: No special area available