Motorhome tire pressure: zoom on the loaded weight
The large loads of motorhomes (up to 3.5 tons, or even more in some cases) imply a tire pressure of 4.5 to 5.5 bars . By way of comparison, on passenger vehicles, these pressures are around 2 to 2.5 bars on average. Refer to the manufacturer's notebook to know the precise tire pressure recommended! In any case, never ride with under-inflated or over-inflated tires, at the risk of blowing the tires or wearing them out prematurely.

Opt for nitrogen inflation
With a motorhome, long periods of inactivity of the vehicle are often conducive to loss of tire pressure, which inflation with nitrogen can limit. In fact, inflating motorhome tires with nitrogen helps to reduce pressure losses, because it contains fewer impurities than traditionally injected air.
Choose metal valves!
To withstand a pressure of up to 5.5 bars, motorhome tires require suitable accessories. In particular, remember to equip them with metal valves , which are more resistant than the rubber valves usually fitted as standard.