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Marmaris weather forecast. January 2022 Travel guide and recommendations.

Does it rain a lot in Marmaris in January?

At that time of year you can expect 158 ​​mm of atmospheric precipitation during the whole month in Marmaris.

When you travel to #Marmaris in January, you can expect: rain, frequent thunderstorms, rare hail, rare fog and warm weather almost daily. Average daily temperatures are around 13℃ and 20℃. Usually the first week is the hottest week of January. Marmaris had cold days in January. Usually the temperature is around 16°C and the wind is a light breeze.

When does the sun set?

In Marmaris, the sun sets between 16:52 and 17:01 in January.

The relative Humidex typically ranges between 9 and 14 degrees during a typical January. The dew point is often among the factors that best indicate weather conditions for a traveller. When you travel to Marmaris, please note that the low dew point is drier and the high dew point is more humid. During a standard January there will be about 5 (a little dry for some people) dew points.

Day length and sunny hours

During a typical January, the day length gradually begins to decrease by about 10 minutes.

Marmaris in January

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