#Market in #Marmaris (Turkey) - detailed description, address, opening hours, how to get there. What to buy, how to bargain, reviews of tourists.
The freshest vegetables and fruits, traditional oriental sweets and spices, cheese, nuts, freshly caught fish - all this and much more can be found in the Marmaris Central Market. Many of the goods here are orders of magnitude cheaper than in local shops or kiosks near hotels.
On the first level, food is sold, on the second - jewelry, leather and suede products, souvenirs, locally produced textiles, fakes of famous brands, dishes and many others.
The market is open only on Thursdays, which is why it is often called the Thursday Bazaar or Sezdey Market.
There are plenty of local buyers here. They mostly come in the afternoon when prices for greens, fruits and vegetables fall. But before noon there is more choice, fewer people: you can slowly walk around the rows, try and buy. And, of course, bargain!