The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) sector assemblies demanded incentives for domestic production in the caravan sector, where demand increased during the Kovid-19 outbreak. In the report, it was pointed out that there were great decreases in zero caravan registration figures and underlined that zero vehicles were not preferred due to the high SCT. It was emphasized that the cost was high because there was no mass production. Turkey Caravan Industry Situation Analysis Report was prepared in order to support the creation of sectoral policies and strategies by TOBB sector assemblies. In the report, it is stated that the Kovid-19 epidemic has become the driving force for camping and caravan tourism and that the interest in mobile accommodation vehicles is expected to increase after the epidemic.

In the report, it was stated that the number of camping areas, motor caravan and caravan type trailer (trailer) park services facilities in the country is 226 and the share of these areas in the total facilities is 0.9 percent, and it is stated that camping and caravan areas are also preferred by foreign tourists coming to Turkey. information has been given. According to the data of the General Directorate of Security, in the first quarter of this year, 6 thousand 744 were registered , 1247 of which were motorhomes.In the report, it was reported that the number of caravans in Turkey was 7 thousand 991, it was recorded that this number reached 28 thousand in Portugal, which is similar to Turkey, and 300 thousand in Spain. The report included the following statements: "In this regard, it will be possible for corporate companies to achieve economies of scale by investing, primarily by meeting the demand in the domestic market. Our country is an important automotive country. The caravan sector of this infrastructure isIt should be considered as an area where the Turkish automotive industry can use its accumulated technical and other knowledge through benchmarking practices in caravan production. Turkey has an infrastructure that can have a say in caravan production in the world. In our country, there are companies that have proven themselves in the world in vehicle design and upholstery. Some incentives can be put into practice for these companies in the luxury segment to develop commercially in this regard . Especially for companies that will make domestic production, SCT reduction should be brought to the agenda.
1. Introduction A caravan is a road vehicle;
however, its perception on the world refers to a lifestyle that is especially associated with camping tourism, apart from a vehicle. In today's conditions, the participation of individuals in tourism activities has become a need to regain their health beyond just making use of their spare time and seeing new places. Individuals who want to get away from their daily routine try to relax by participating in re-creative activities in their spare time. With the diversification of tourism, the concept of sea-sand-sun and hotel management becomes a classic for individuals, and their search for different experiences leads them to open space activities. Camping and caravan tourism, as a way to protect nature and increase the welfare of local people, brings together the city and local people, while making rural destinations that are underdeveloped in terms of tourism attraction centers, It provides social and economic benefits to the region. In this respect, camping and caravan tourism emerges as a type of tourism carried out especially in rural areas. caravan tourism; It covers the visits of people with their caravans in order to get to know different countries by solving their transportation, accommodation, and to some extent, food and beverage needs. Camping and caravan tourism, besides protecting the environment; It also offers opportunities to integrate with natural life, rest in the countryside, enjoy the traditional local cuisine, and see the diversity of animals and plants closely. With the increase in urbanization, there has been a great increase in the demands for rural tourism activities. Turkey, with its natural and cultural areas (sea, sand, Besides being a great center of attraction for mass tourists participating in tourism activities, it also has many advantages for the execution of rural tourism activities. In general, nature walks, outdoor activities, village visits, regions with ancient cities, to sum up, people act with the desire of both resting and finding peace and curiosity. A camper and caravan tourist is defined as a visitor who stays in a caravan or camp for at least one night during their vacation. Indexing the caravan only to tourism activities would be a vicious perspective for this vehicle. Today, it is possible to classify caravans according to their usage areas as follows: • Caravans with permanent life and shelter function, • Temporary caravans for emergency aid, • Caravans open for public use, • Caravans used for medical or scientific purposes, • Caravans for use in different natural conditions. There are basically two different caravan models, which are the caravan and motorhome.
In addition, with the COVID-19 epidemic that emerged in 2020, tourism habits have changed as well as many habits in the world. Even if COVID-19 ends, it is predicted that there will be permanent changes in people's lives and research on this subject continues. 132 measures have been determined for the tourism sector as a precaution against the COVID-19 epidemic by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. At this point, it is thought that the interest in mobile accommodation vehicles will increase because caravans symbolize "freedom". Although the resorts are located in large and open areas, it does not seem possible to replace caravans, which are mobile accommodation vehicles that allow people to adjust their distances themselves due to health concerns.
One of the most important features of alternative tourism is that it allows people of all income levels to participate in tourism activities. Although camping and caravan tourism are two concepts considered together, camping in our country can be considered as a tourism activity performed by young people with a low income level, and caravan tourism by people over a certain age with plenty of time. Turkey, on the other hand, has a suitable geography where many alternative tourism types can be made, but areas suitable for camping and caravan tourism are mostly concentrated in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions. As a matter of fact, the COVID-19 epidemic, which affected the whole of our country in March 2020, made people turn to alternative tourism sectors instead of mass tourism. In this respect, it can be said that supporting ecotourism activities has gone beyond being a choice and has become a necessity. While the COVID-19 epidemic is accepted as a manifestation of negativity in the global sense, it can be considered as a driving force arising from necessity on behalf of camping and caravan tourism demand. In addition to health concerns, people may turn their preferences in this direction due to the difficult process they experience. Ultimately, with the perception of a reliable and comfortable holiday activity, the positioning of “affordable accommodation” for campsites in the face of the increase in hotel prices can turn potential demand into effective demand. The number of holiday and other short-term accommodation facilities in Turkey is 696, and the number of camping sites, motor caravan and caravan type trailer (trailer) parking facilities is 226. Its share in total facilities is at the level of 0.9%. According to the 2019 Tourism Report published by the Turkish Hoteliers Federation (TÜROFED), the Distribution of Tourists Visiting Turkey by Accommodation Types (2019 First 9 months) The number of foreign tourists using Tent Camping/Caravan areas is 33,569. 2. Caravan and Tourism in the World 2.1. The US Caravan Industry Today, according to the data of the Caravan Industry Association, the parent association of caravan manufacturers in the US, it consists of 400 manufacturers, parts and aftermarket suppliers. The union, which produces 98% of all caravans produced in the USA, represents an industry of approximately 114 billion dollars. The union produces around 60% of the caravans produced worldwide. 68 billion dollars of the 114 billion dollars economic size is created by the caravan manufacturers and their suppliers, 20 billion dollars represents the size created by sales and service services, and 25 billion dollars by camping and travel services. The sector produced 482,389 vehicles in 2019; 12% of the vehicles produced are produced as motorhomes and 88% as caravans. Their size in the sector provides 30,000 businesses and 596,000 people employed there. The amount of tax generated by the sector is at the level of 12 billion dollars. In addition, the sector contributes around 2.2% to the country's gross national product. The demand rate of the industry has accelerated incredibly in the last year (March 2020 and March 2021), and an 80% increase in demand has been achieved in terms of units. 88% are produced as caravans. Their size in the sector provides 30,000 businesses and 596,000 people employed there. The amount of tax generated by the sector is at the level of 12 billion dollars. In addition, the sector contributes around 2.2% to the country's gross national product. The demand rate of the industry has accelerated incredibly in the last year (March 2020 and March 2021), and an 80% increase in demand has been achieved in terms of units. 88% are produced as caravans. Their size in the sector provides 30,000 businesses and 596,000 people employed there. The amount of tax generated by the sector is at the level of 12 billion dollars. In addition, the sector contributes around 2.2% to the country's gross national product. The demand rate of the industry has accelerated incredibly in the last year (March 2020 and March 2021), and an 80% increase in demand has been achieved in terms of units.
2.2. EU Caravan Industry European Caravan Federation data,
They explain the number of registered caravans in the member countries of the Union as 5,683,860 in 2019 data. Of this number, 3,462,449 are caravans and 2,221,411 are motorhomes. According to the current data of the German Caravan Industry Association, when we look at the annual period, the number of caravans registered in the European Union between September 2020 and March 2021 has increased by 33.7% compared to the previous year. The two reference markets for the caravan industry, the USA and the European Union, showed high growth rates.
3. Turkish Caravan Industry Caravan industry in Turkey,
It can be said that it has a dispersed profile, especially the lack of a good legislative infrastructure and the lack of non-governmental organizations to produce data.
Countries Caravan Motorhome Total
6,744 1,247 7,991
Number of Registered Caravans in Turkey Source: EGM Traffic Presidency, March 2021
It is seen that the number of caravan parks in our country is very low. The total number of parks is 7,991. In comparison with the European Union, Portugal's total caravan park, where we experience close economic sizes and sociological changes, is 28,000, and the total caravan park of Spain, which we will make another comparison, is 300,000. The closest country to us is Slovenia with 12,000 units. Slovenia is a country with a population of 2,081,000 and a total gross national product of $5.5 billion. Turkey is a country with a population of 83 million and a gross national product of $762 billion.
The Caravan Registration System is very detailed in itself and it seems to be a mixed classification system that emerged with the use of different classification systems in the past. In the classification system, there are 5,749 caravans in the M1 class, which constitutes approximately 72% of the total park. All classes are set forth in detail in the Road Transport Regulation. The last of the caravan vehicles of the class "M1 Class: Motor vehicle used for passenger transportation and with a maximum of 9 seats including the driver", which is a subclass of the class defined as "M Class - Motor vehicles with at least four wheels and used for passenger transport", to be put on the road as a model. Traffic Registration Information for 10 years is given in Graph 1. When the graph is examined closely, it is seen that the demand for trailers is not high and there has been a sharp decline since 2014. In particular, there has been a decrease of 1/3 in the last 5 years between the blue line showing the model vehicles and the red line showing the registration year. This expressionIt also shows that new vehicles are not preferred as caravans. The registration number indicates the registration of the vehicle in the M1 class. When we look at the year 2020, the number of vehicles registered to the traffic is 19, while the number of vehicles registered as 2020 models is only 7.
In the classification system, there are 725 caravans in O2 class, which constitutes approximately 0.09% of the total park. O2 class A subclass of the class defined as “Class O – Trailer or semi-trailer towed by a motor vehicle is non-motorized cargo transport vehicles” in the Road Transport Regulation “O2 Class: Non-motorized cargo transport with a maximum weight exceeding 0.75 tons but not exceeding 3.5 tons. has been defined as “a mediator”
Decreases in both registration and model vehicle entry into traffic are striking for O2 class vehicles in Chart 2. More vehicles appear in Graph 1 than in Graph 1. However, there is a 100% decrease in the registration of the model vehicle to the traffic.
The results of Table 1 and Graphs 1 and 2 show that the entry of especially model vehicles in the caravan sector has decreased almost non-existent. New vehicles are not preferred due to the high SCT. The fact that there is no mechanism to obtain data on the economic magnitudes created within the country is also an indication that the sector has not been institutionalized.
4. Turkey Caravan Stakeholders and Analysis
4.1. Caravan Manufacturers It is stated by the sector representatives that there are more than 300 caravan manufacturers of various sizes in Turkey. These are companies that convert vehicles or manufacture caravans. Among the companies, the number of companies that can be defined as "bodybuilders" on the chassis is almost non-existent. We see that these companies produce motorhomes especially from heavy vehicles. These productions are strictly made-to-order, non-serial, and therefore costly works. In this regard, it will be possible for corporate companies to achieve economies of scale by investing, if demand is primarily met in the domestic market. The producers we interviewed are small producers who are not involved in the market by establishing good relations with caravan and camp non-governmental organizations. Our country is an important automotive country in this regard. This infrastructure should be considered as an area where it has very important advantages such as cost and logistics for the caravan industry, and where the Turkish automotive industry can use its accumulated technical and other know-how with benchmarking practices in caravan production. Turkey has an infrastructure that can have a say in caravan production in the world. In our country, there are companies that have proven themselves in the world in vehicle design and upholstery. Some incentives can be put into practice for these companies in the luxury segment to develop commercially in this regard. Especially for companies that will make domestic production, SCT reduction should be brought to the agenda. 4.2. Consumers Caravan consumers, There is a mass that can be defined as a sociological subculture group that we can call caravans or campers. This population is very small compared to the country's population and income level. Access of people to the caravan should be supported by both legal and economic measures. In this regard, Turkey has the potential to make a difference. Current caravan users can be defined as a micro minority that mainly engages in glamping-type activities in retired people and in the wild. It is necessary to expand the sector by increasing the number of consumers, and to reduce costs by catching the scale with the growing sector. Consumers are organized through two federations and one important association. It is close to impossible to find a high model rental caravan that will not cause any problems for citizens who come to our country as tourists and want to spend their holiday with a caravan, which is located in the foreign market next to the domestic market. Corporate leasing companies that want to invest in tourists who want to come by plane and have a caravan holiday in our country cannot take initiatives to enlarge the sector due to these high investment costs.
4.3. Public Today, there is a tax application of up to 220% for a brand new vehicle to be registered as a caravan. In this regard, the state has difficulty in organizing itself. Government agencies' epidemic, geographical difficulties, etc. In case of taking a vehicle into the inventory as a caravan for reasons, it may face the same high taxes. Despite the state's inertia in taxation, there are studies that it has carried out to develop camp and caravan tourism, especially through development agencies. In these studies, this type of tourism activity is promoted and camp and caravan routes are determined for the regions. The hotel concepts that differ in terms of their management characteristics (small hotels, new type of hotel offering additional health services for the third age group, Wellness Hotel, halal tourism certified accommodation business, professional accommodation facilities that will only serve for sports tourism, etc.) Recommendations for inclusion in the Regulation on Qualifications are included in the report. These recommendations should be designed to improve the infrastructure of camping and caravan tourism. 4.4. Camping Enterprises and Caravan Investors Campings; Overnight accommodation, eating and drinking, resting, which are established on highway routes and their close surroundings, in places with natural beauty such as sea, lake, mountain, and usually by the customers' own means. are facilities with at least ten units that meet their entertainment and sports needs (Regulation on the Certification and Qualifications of Tourism Facilities, dated 21.06.2005 and numbered 25852 of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism). Although camping and caravan tourism are basically two different types of tourism, these two concepts are used together as if they are a single type of tourism. Because caravan tourism without campsites and camping areas without caravan tourism will remain incomplete concepts when considered alone. These two concepts are considered to be complementary to each other. Camping and caravan tourism are the visits of people with their caravans and tents for the purpose of solving their transportation, accommodation, food and beverage needs to a certain extent, seeing and getting to know different countries, and generally having a cheaper holiday.
campsites and caravan parks; It has transformed from a low-cost tourism niche to a versatile and valuable recreational experience at different levels by people with different demographics. Escape has repositioned itself as an alternative accommodation or lifestyle driven by personal and interpersonal needs motivations for socialization, freedom and exploration. Although it is considered as a low-cost tourism activity, luxury camping areas called "glamping" have also started to serve in recent years. There are such campsites in Turkey that appeal to high-income groups, albeit in small numbers. It is stated that the most enthusiastic campers are in Australia and New Zealand. It is stated that 80% of New Zealanders have visited a caravan or holiday park at least once in their lifetime. Again, for the development of caravan tourism, the existence of an entrepreneurial class that will invest in the ownership of caravans is required. In addition to the efforts of companies that rent corporate vehicles in this regard, we have determined that some entrepreneurs in our country, who have investments in tourism transportation, desire to invest in this field, and some entrepreneurs have started to invest. 4.5. Travel Agencies Travel agencies are the intersection point of supply and demand in tourism activities. Camping and caravan tourism is one of the types of tourism where intermediation is important due to capacity problems. Travel agencies have important duties especially in the marketing of camping and caravan tourism from abroad. Since caravan tourism will be made especially for tourists coming from abroad, It is predicted that the tourists coming from abroad will primarily expect the model year and equipment to be high for the caravan. For this reason, travel agencies appear as the most important value chain of the system. It is known that TÜRSAB is working on determining routes and camp sites in this regard. 5. Recommendations for Strengthening the Sector 5.1. Special Consumption Tax Rates Caravans are generally converted from vans and minibuses/midibuses. Vehicles such as panel van, minibus/midibus are subject to SCT of 4% and 9%. After these types of vehicles are converted into caravans, they are evaluated as passenger vehicles in accordance with the list no. 2 attached to the SCT Law and a SCT nationality of 220% occurs. In addition, pursuant to Article 15 of the SCT Law, In the event that a vehicle whose first registration is of a commercial nature is converted into a caravan within 5 years (second hand vehicle), the SCT nationality of 220% continues. As a result, investments in the motor caravan rental sector are limited due to the high SCT nationality in new vehicles and physical conditions (engine life, km, etc.) for vehicles over 5 years old (second-hand) that are not preferred by customers.
In this context, we request the application of SCT rates as specified in the table below in the Table No. II of the Special Consumption Tax Law 4760 of Motor Caravans Article 12 'Special Consumption Tax Rates and Amount'; According to 87.03 NACE code; - Motor Caravans — Motor caravans with only electric motor 5% — Motor caravans with electric motor also 10% - Other motor caravans 15% Thus, the number of new motor caravans and tax revenues are expected to increase. 5.2. Infrastructure for Caravan Tourism „ New camping areas and new tourism routes are determined to encourage people to caravan tourism. „ Legal legislation for caravan tourism should be strengthened. „ Caravan breaks of gas stations with suitable areas (clean water intake, waste water discharge, electricity) is recommended. If the aforementioned proposals are implemented, an increase is expected in the number of superstructure manufacturers, the number of employees employed in the sector, and the quality of superstructure manufacturing, materials and workmanship due to the potential market attractiveness. In addition, it is predicted that revenues from mobility will increase depending on the development of caravan tourism. (Fuel stations to be used during the journey, revenues of markets and restaurants, highway and bridge fees, etc.)
Conclusion and Recommendations Turkey stands out as the leading travel destination in the Mediterranean basin with its accommodation investments in its portfolio. In the context of diversification of tourism, the most important and leading area to invest in is Camping and Caravan Tourism. In order for this area to be designed programmatically, it is necessary to pave the way for entrepreneurs and caravan lovers to have this instrument. In this respect, first of all, the problem of high SCT should be addressed and more institutional standards and qualifications should be put into use for caravan production. Due to the general turmoil in the world, progress and development activities have become quite difficult and the concept of health has increased its importance. For this reason, it is predicted that healthy tourism types will come to the fore for the New World.
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