The weak point of almost all camper cabins is the wooden floor. When driving from below, in the rain or in puddles, water always gets on it, and if you do not periodically update the protective coating in some places, it will become thinner. At this site of weakness, moisture begins to enter the plywood, causing the floor of the cottage trailer to subsequently corrode and rot. Do not forget about the joints of body parts, the sealant in the joints hardens over time, loses its elasticity and cracks. Then water starts to flow from these places and the body rots. An additional factor in caravan trailer body wear is atmospheric effects. In the sun, the body heats up and experiences deformation loads from heating, and ultraviolet rays have a destructive effect on rubber seals. A large amount of snow on the roof of the summer trailer should also be attributed to the weather, under which the body is deformed and cracks form at the joints, since negative temperatures adversely affect the rubber gaskets and sealant. There are other factors that negatively affect the "health" of the summer trailer. For example: clogged dirt at the joints of windows and hatches reduces the adhesive properties of the sealant, after which moisture enters such places without much effort.
suppository elimination;
The leak search is carried out by a qualified specialist, after finding all the leaks in the body of the trailer, a work plan is drawn up with the customer, in which the elements of replacement and restoration are determined. In some cases, the inner coating is very rotten, and restoration of the latter is inappropriate. All restoration work is carried out using high quality materials and the assembly of original or equivalent parts.
Restoration of a summer trailer after an accident;
The summer #trailer is a road user, and the road, as we know, is a place of increased danger. Trailers are assembled from sandwich panels to reduce the weight of the body. Sandwich panels are not resistant to high mechanical stress, which leads to deformation and complete destruction of walls, roofs, floors. In most cases, all elements of the camper trailer can be restored. Along with the elimination of the leak, the specialists together with the customer evaluate the scope of work and determine which elements can be restored and which can be replaced. In the event of an accident, in addition to restoring the body, it is also necessary to restore or develop new furniture systems for the camper trailer and, if necessary, replace or repair the equipment on the vehicle.
There are cases where the trailer gives out too long without proper care, with dire consequences. In such a summer trailer, almost all systems and equipment need to be restored. Starting with the walls, floor and ceiling and ending with the brake and start system. The masters of our company have many years of experience in refitting and repairing caravans of various complexity; this allows us to restore or create even completely rotten elements of a summer camper trailer.